Friday, December 15, 2006


# Schools(Other):

TK RajaMuna, SD 5 Saraswati Denpasar, SMPN 1 Dps, SMANSA-DPS, Taylors College, Wesley College, MUFY, Monash Univ-Clayton, KEHIDUPAN
# Occupation:

a STUDENT of LiFe & Make-up Artist & Photographer
# Affiliations:,,
# Hobbies and Interests:

LIFE + Make-up Artist + Fashions + Photography + Traditional Culture + Hiking + Phsycological BooKs + Myths + BasketBall + Movies + Toys + Desperately want to experience new different things (Wishing n Hopin livin in da Jungle of Maturity)
# Favorite Books:

Paulo Coelho "Eleven Minutes" + "The Alchemist" + "The Pilgrimage" + "The Zahir" + " UPADECA" + "IQRO" + "Bumi Manusia" by Pramoedya Ananta Toer + "SUPERNOVA" (xclu. AKAR), all marveoulous words by Kahlil Gibran, Mitch Albom, Paul Freiser, Marry HigginsClark, Candace Bushnell-and all Indonesian Authors +++ Oka Rusmini+++!!!
# Favorite Movies:

Hotel Rwanda (muz see!!), Tuesdays with Morrie, French Kiss, LOTR, Harry Potter, all JULIA ROBERTs, ALPACINOs, DANZEL WASHINTONs, Anthony HOPKINs, Goerge ClooNeys, Kate Hudson &her mother, FOREIGN MOVIES and "ONE FINE DAY" hopefully brings One Fine Day
# Favorite Music:

Gamelan and French Kiss Soundtrack (All Along...), Simply Red, DEWA, Melly Goeslow
# Favorite TV Shows:

Sex n the City, FRIENDS, OPRAH, Will&Grace, Project Runway, Ellen DeGeneres Day-Show, Whos line is it anyway?, Curb Your Enthusiasm (basically yg bisa bikin ketawa mpe nangis)
# About Me:

No one should ever ask themselves that :
"why am I unhappy?"

The question carries within it the virus that will destroy everything.
If we ask that question, it means we want to find out what makes us happy.
If what makes us happy is different from what we have now, then we must change once and for all or stay as we are, feeling even more unhappy.

I am looking for adventure and the unknown but yet always face the two great problems : the first is knowing when to begin, the second is knowing when to stop. In between I find Freedom where it is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose - and commit myself to -what is best for me.

P- ea -C -e
# Who I Want to Meet:

*The Absolute
*Mi sisters&bro (opink wif gajah,dondon wif partner,nandos,jung adit,mumpuni,bunten,n'dha,S'QBB)
*the krucil ria..Neemo and Kevaa
and the peri best of friends(ecul,coki,wiwie,ikalady,arth',youngyoung,ncilpia,gekmas,ncis,b unda,isteeii,rondang,anne,ve,dode, and buuu arlin)
and everyday...cant live without my joyness in life--Yudddskiii & Praammmzkiii dan yang terbaru, Pashaa luv luv luv
*Ellen DeGeneres
*Diperlukan segera!!! WieWie n IkaLady

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Hari Ke-2 Kerja - Apyees

Fiuuuhh, untungnya tugas2nya ga seberat yang hari Jumat kemaren walopun start early 8 da moring. Bagian rumah belakang ga terlalu ribet, teteup aja ada beberapa yang tetep mesti dikerjain dari bagian depan rumah, contohnya nih, ttep mesti rapih rapih tempat tidur - dan sempet ga kenceng2 banget ngrapihinnya, si nenek ngasih tahu, yang keeeeeeeeeenceeeeeeng jek!

dusty dusty menggoda bulu idung, kalo bisa nih tangan masuk ke lobang idung kali udah dari kemaren maren garuk garuk keenakan....hmmm, masi aja alergi debu...'debuuu debuuu intan...'(Senseiya'

semua oke, except duwwwttt...LUPA NGONCI BACKDOOR!!! wadowww, masi ngrasa dosa nih...
gara2nya si nenek mesti pergi karna ada janji, jadilah ek yang ditugaskan untuk konci konci rumahnya sebelum pulang.
Udah diterangin bahwa kunci yang dari pintu backdoor laundry terkunci, dicabut trus dibawa ke pintu masuk depan, di'set untk mengunci sendiri begitu pintu tertutup dan kuncinya ditaroh di bawah cushion kursi, nyalain alarm trus keluar.

Egh, ga tahu2nya karena sangking terburu buru mau pulang -karna harus ngater Pasha ke Rumah Sakit untuk Therapy - ek jalan lenggang kangkung menuju pintu depan, sempet panik begitu koci ga ada nyantel di pintu depan, kok konci ga ada di pintu?, nyariin ke bawah cushion juga ga ada, wadow, pasi si nenek lupa ninggalin kunci'nya nih, ya sutralalalal jreng jreng...activated alrm rumah trus klwar rumah, begitu pintu depan ngjegleg tertutup, WADOW! Lupa 'rek, ternyata ada urutan kronologi si gembala Konci yang mesti diikuti...ya sudah, apa daya, alrm udah nyala ini, sepanjang perjalan pulang...terngiang ngiang terus di kepala...*dengan nada robot klo lagi ngomong*'pintu belakang blom terkuci...pintu belakang blom terkuci' gimana nih gimana nih?'

Mudah mudahan daku ga dipecyaaaattttt....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

More Gentlement are needed

Adapt, Adopt, and Improve: Saving the Girl?

If Notin to do

dun juz staring at my butt, more into "MOve your Butt and start making MOney"

-MOney Machine-

-isenk isenk aja, klo lagi ga ada waktu, scroll down on comments trus browsing MOney treasure-

Bantuan untuk di rumah

1. When you finish a can of something, fill with water and seal- with lid if available. I realize metal cans are opened with a can opener and lids tossed in the trash. Don't get it out, just fill. Leave overnight. Next day,. dump out water and can is 99% clean. Also works on jars or mugs.

2. Dryer not quite getting clothes wrinkle free? Run the dryer once more, only this time, throw in a damp (not sodden) washcloth. The dryer acts as a steamer and solves problem.

3. Bread dough is in the freezer section, ready to go. Just thaw, let rise, and cook. One tip: to rise, cover with plastic wrap. When cooking, take wrap off first. It just may peel off if you don't, but finding it again to pull off is tricky.

4. Grocery stores have prepared stuff which takes little or no effort to fix. Better yet, divide up the food if you have guests over.

taken from Nancy's blog

Life is Beautiful

Bacaan Bago3S


:: Good Fascists and Bad Fascists ::

-Bacaan ini bago3s sebagai nutrisi otak yang masih kurang rasa Nasionalism nya-

Thought of the Day

"Losers spend time explaining why they lost..."

"Losers spend time explaining why they lost. Losers spend their lives thinking about
what they’re going to do. They rarely enjoy doing what they’re doing."

-Dr. Eric Berne


National Geographic Adventure Magazine

Travel that will set your heart pounding, open your eyes, and force you to look again at what surrounds you. Because, in the end, a trip of a lifetime isn't about thread counts, umbrella cocktails, or bragging rights. It's about discovering that there's more to the world - and yourself - than you knew.


"A hundred times every day I remind myself..."

"A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on
the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving."

-Albert Einstein

:: Dealing with Emergency ::

"Somehow Emergency situation is occured and within those seconds our basic intincts are prevailed" -citra chrisna-

to prevent overeaction, we need to read and learn more coz our brain usually store enthings we see and heard without we knowing it, so by the time an Emergency happen, those knowledge would be automatically sent combined with our basic insticts. So please read more usefull stuff that related to family matter and for the sake of the family safetiness!!!

cheers from the day,

:: The TEN Commandments of Marriage ::

*Commandment 1. *

Marriages are made in heaven. But, so again, are thunder and lightning.

*Commandment 2. *

If you want your wife to listen and pay strict attention to every word you say, talk in your sleep.

*Commandment 3 *.

Marriage is grand -- and divorce is at least 100 grand!

*Commandment 4. *

Married life is very frustrating. In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen.

**Commandment 5. **

When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing: Either the car is new or the wife is.

*Commandment 6 *.

Marriage is when a man and woman become as one. The trouble starts when they try to decide which one.

**Commandment 7. **

Before marriage, a man will lie awake all night thinking about something you say. After marriage, he will fall asleep before you finish.

*Commandment 8. *

Every man wants a wife who is beautiful, understanding, economical, and a good cook. But the law allows only one wife.

*Commandment 9. *

Marriage and love are purely a matter of chemistry. That is why a wife treats her husband like toxic waste.

*Commandment 10. *

A man is incomplete until he is married. After that, he is finished..

*Bonus Commandment story:

*A long married couple came upon a wishing well. The wife leaned over, made a wish and threw in a penny. The husband decided to make a wish too. But he leaned over too much, fell into the well, and drowned. The wife was stunned for a moment but then smiled, "It really works."

Disiplin donk 'Nak

8 Kiat Menanamkan Disiplin Anak

1. Belajar mengatakan “tidak” secara tegas tapi dengan, penuh kasih sayang, berwibawa, dan tanpa nada marah. Kemampuan ini akan menolong Anda dalam mendidik anak sehingga mereka mengetahui, ada batasan dalam berbuat sesuatu.

2. Selalu bersikap konsisten. Jika Anda telah mengatakan akan ada tindakan akibat dari perilakunya yang salah, terapkan “hukuman” tersebut sehingga anak tidak akan pernah mencobanya untuk memainkan Anda. Sikapnya yang tidak konsisten akan menghancurkan aturan dan disiplin.

3. Fokus dan targetkan satu atau dua perilaku yang harus ditaati dengan baik pada waktu yang bersamaan. Misalnya, makanan harus dihabiskan, makanan jangan dibuat mainan. Umumnya akan lebih efektif untuk mengajarkan anak pada satu atau dua bidang yang terfokus daripada mencoba untuk mengajarkannya sedikit-sedikit tapi dengan berbagai macam bidang yang berbeda.

4. Berlakulah seperti “bos” dan jangan malu untuk menjadi bos dalam membina hubungan dengan anak. Jika tidak, anak cenderung bertindak semaunya bagaikan anak ayam kehilangan induk dan akhirnya akan berprilaku negatif.
Anda dapat mengatakan pada anak bahwa anda adalah “bos” mereka. Tentu saja sebagai bos Anda tidak bertindak otoriter dan semena-mena.

5. Ajarkan anak disiplin, dalam lingkungan yang penuh kasih sayang dan cinta kasih.

6. Berikan anak pilihan-pilihan kecil, semisal baju apa yang ia sukai, mau wortel atau kacang polong. Setelah menentukan plihan, anak harus konsisten dengan pilihannya tersebut.

7. Ingat disiplin yang konsisten merupakan hal yang aman dan baik. Kepatuhan anak merupakan salah satu jaminan agar ia selamat dari bahaya. Waktu yang terbaik untuk menyiapkan diri dari dalam keadaan bahaya adalah sebelum Anda berada dalam bahaya.

8. Untuk langkah awal, ajarkan anak dengan cara memfokuskan mereka agar menurut pada aturan atau disiplin yang Anda buat. Anak sudah cukup mengerti untuk mempelajari konsep ini.

Sumber: Nova

the meaning of 19th February

Juli 5th, 2006

You are resilient, and no doubt your resilience has already been tested.
You’ve had some difficult experiences in your life, but you are wise from them.
Having had to grow up quickly, you tend to discount the advice of others.
You tend to be a loner, having learned that the only person you can depend on is yourself.

Your strength: Well developed stability and confidence

Your weakness: Suspicion of others

Your power color: Eggplant

Your power symbol: Spade

Your power month: October

the meaning of 28th July

Juli 5th, 2006

You have a Type A personality so big it makes other Type A’s shrink away in shame.
You never shy away from adversity - and you love to tackle impossible problems.
Failure is not an option for you, and more than a few people are put off by your ego.
You tend to be controlling, and you hate leaving anything up to chance.

Your strength: Your bold approach to life

Your weakness: You don’t accept help

Your power color: Bronze

Your power symbol: Pyramid

Your power month: October

the meaning of 18th July

the meaning of 18th July

You are a cohesive force - able to bring many people together for a common cause.
You tend to excel in work situations, but you also facilitate a lot of social gatherings too.
Beyond being a good leader, you are good at inspiring others.
You also keep your powerful emotions in check - you know when to emote and when to repress.

Your strength: Emotional maturity beyond your years

Your weakness: Wearing yourself down with too many responsibilities

Your power color: Crimson red

Your power symbol: Snowflake

Your power month: September

dari BLOG-My Ingredients

The secret life of…
Juni 25th, 2006

…the fortunate wife.

the rule|

-Always Proclaim Everything Terrific! -try to remember that any dissapointment can be turned into a faboulous windfall with the perfect spin.

dari BLOG-My Ingredients

Next…family going global

Juni 24th, 2006

Kangen kamuw…

Interstate Relationship for a while…

Antara Melbourne dan Sydney…hanya bermodal ‘Jempol Tangan’ !!!

Kangen kamuw juga…

Pram-Pram-pram…bunyi hujan di atas genting…airnya turun tidak terhingga…cobalah tengok , dahan dan ranting…pohon dan kebun basah semuaaa…

Pram My Love, kenapa UK?

F a m i l y G o i n g G l o b a l

(tercatat di hari Jumat, di tanggal 23 June 2006)

Ambitious-Visioner-Leader-Hubby: Sydney

The brother of Belly Baby-yet dearest: London-UK

AjungIbuku-yummie mommie-the matured fashionista-the both teenagers: Singapore

Mumpuni<-the genius->Ibu: London-UK

(Bapak)-the wisdom: New york

Me beserta ’si saya yang akan lulus’: Camberwell
Friendster Horoscope for December 10, 2006
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)[?]
The Bottom Line

Just because something is bigger doesn't mean that it's better!
In Detail

Just because something is bigger does not mean that it's better! Size doesn't matter in all aspects of living, especially right now. You need to be paying much more attention to the nuances of the people around you, not merely to the size of the shadows they cast over your life. Intimidation can be a powerful force, but there's no need to let it ruffle your feathers. Stare into the eyes of whatever is trying to scare you, and it will soon shrink right down to nothing.

Friday, December 8, 2006


Hari ini, pagi pagi jam 8 udah bangun (kebangun ama jam weker juga siy), trus langsung ngibrit ke kamar mandi karna perut mules gara-gara sambel plus kerang rebus kemaren malem. Langsung mandi sekedarnya (eiits, cuma shave bultek, bulki biarin aja...paling cuma gatel-gatel ini).

Titipin Pasha ke BuNten-dan assume mereka langsung tidur lagi.

Berangkat hanya dengan sarapan secangkir susu-kopi, karna udah ga sempet lagi buat bakar-bakaran roti ato oseng-osengin nasi kemaren.

Pamitan ma habi, kiss pipi trus kasi pesen klo alamat tempat kerja udah 'tra titipin ke Inten, jaga2 aja klo diperluin.

Berangkat pake odesi hmmmmm....jam 8.45AM, berharap traffic di hari Jumat ga terlalu bikin telat.

Terkabul, sampai di tempat kerja jam 8.55AM (lebih baik kepagian...)

*NingNong...Goooodd Moooorniiingg

dan mulailah Nenek Annie menerangkan apa-apa aja yang perlu dikerjakan untuk hari ini.
Si Nenek cantik ternyata udah tulis2 di kertas kerjaan apa aja yang musti diselesain hari Jum'at, hari Senen, dan ada jg untuk both Hari Jum'at dan Senen.

Untuk Hari ini Jumat:
-bersiin Kitchen, washing dishes, cleaning up m tdying up kicen bench
-Ganti sprei-nya (dibantu ma si Nenek juga sambil ngobrol soal koleksi Teddy Bear-nya dia)


Iseng isenk aja hari ini browsing blog orang trus nemunya quiz sepatu, dan ternyata hasil nya buat 'tra:

You’re a Classic Pump!
Your undeniable good taste and timeless personal style make you a “shoe-in” as a classic pump. Always chic and ever so elegant, you sashay with poise and class through the everyday grind and ...

Friday, December 1, 2006

Hampir Kepanasan

Hari ini, pasha ma ibu banyak urusan yang mesti dikerjain, jadi pagi pagi, pasha udah mandi, ibu juga udah mandi (biasanya kita bdua males mandi hehehehe). Udah siaaap nih ceritanya mau berangkat ke salah satunya buat imunisasi di RCH (Parkville), egh iseng iseng ibu baca brosur buat imunisasi kali ini, WOW, yang in mesti bayar 2ratus mpe 3ratusan doller *sigh...ntar dulu deh ya nak...Imunisasi Gastro'bla'bla'bla ini jugaan Optional, ga harus ini, dan nanti bisa diambil klo Pasha udah 6 bulan.

trus, trus untuk urusan urusan yan banyak laennya, termasuk ibu harus cek darah ke2 kalinya buat persiapan IUD, mesti ke medibank, mesti ke bank, mesti ke kantor post...

dan hmm...Bapak menawarkan untuk nganterin nih...wah senangnya, ga harus kepanasan di luar (karna hari ini mpr 35 drajat celcius) panas nya hot hot hot di luar sana.
tapi sebelumnya Bapak mesti ngerjain urusannya dulu yang katanya cuma bentar.
udah jam 1 lebih nih bapak berangkat dan katanya hanya se-ben-tar.
ga taunya, kweeeek kweeekk kweeekk...jam 2 lebih blom muncul, jam 3 blom muncul, ehh..udah mpir jam 4 nih...*sigh, singsingkan lengan baju..kayaknya mesti berangkat sendiri (bdua ma pasha nih), pake transport terkeren dan terfavorit, TRAM!!!
*sigh *sigh *sigh

lagi siap siap mo brangkat ke garasi (stroller khan ada disana), egh ga taunya Bapak udah di garasi aja lagi maenmaen ma ikan ikannya...
kok ga bilang klo udah nyampe?
tapi sama juga bo'ong, nawarin nganterinnya juga ga jadi...
wadow, jadi mommi yang super nih, mesti bisa ngerjain semuanya sendiri.
bener khan...akhirnya dengan kerepotan kerepotan kecil, heboh sendiri dengan pasha...yah berangkat sendiri juga akhirnya...
untungnya kali ini jadinya pake odesi, ga harus naek tram,
jadi ga usah naek Tram dan panas panasan...

*sigh...Hampir kepanasan deh kita ya baby...