Friday, December 15, 2006


# Schools(Other):

TK RajaMuna, SD 5 Saraswati Denpasar, SMPN 1 Dps, SMANSA-DPS, Taylors College, Wesley College, MUFY, Monash Univ-Clayton, KEHIDUPAN
# Occupation:

a STUDENT of LiFe & Make-up Artist & Photographer
# Affiliations:,,
# Hobbies and Interests:

LIFE + Make-up Artist + Fashions + Photography + Traditional Culture + Hiking + Phsycological BooKs + Myths + BasketBall + Movies + Toys + Desperately want to experience new different things (Wishing n Hopin livin in da Jungle of Maturity)
# Favorite Books:

Paulo Coelho "Eleven Minutes" + "The Alchemist" + "The Pilgrimage" + "The Zahir" + " UPADECA" + "IQRO" + "Bumi Manusia" by Pramoedya Ananta Toer + "SUPERNOVA" (xclu. AKAR), all marveoulous words by Kahlil Gibran, Mitch Albom, Paul Freiser, Marry HigginsClark, Candace Bushnell-and all Indonesian Authors +++ Oka Rusmini+++!!!
# Favorite Movies:

Hotel Rwanda (muz see!!), Tuesdays with Morrie, French Kiss, LOTR, Harry Potter, all JULIA ROBERTs, ALPACINOs, DANZEL WASHINTONs, Anthony HOPKINs, Goerge ClooNeys, Kate Hudson &her mother, FOREIGN MOVIES and "ONE FINE DAY" hopefully brings One Fine Day
# Favorite Music:

Gamelan and French Kiss Soundtrack (All Along...), Simply Red, DEWA, Melly Goeslow
# Favorite TV Shows:

Sex n the City, FRIENDS, OPRAH, Will&Grace, Project Runway, Ellen DeGeneres Day-Show, Whos line is it anyway?, Curb Your Enthusiasm (basically yg bisa bikin ketawa mpe nangis)
# About Me:

No one should ever ask themselves that :
"why am I unhappy?"

The question carries within it the virus that will destroy everything.
If we ask that question, it means we want to find out what makes us happy.
If what makes us happy is different from what we have now, then we must change once and for all or stay as we are, feeling even more unhappy.

I am looking for adventure and the unknown but yet always face the two great problems : the first is knowing when to begin, the second is knowing when to stop. In between I find Freedom where it is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose - and commit myself to -what is best for me.

P- ea -C -e
# Who I Want to Meet:

*The Absolute
*Mi sisters&bro (opink wif gajah,dondon wif partner,nandos,jung adit,mumpuni,bunten,n'dha,S'QBB)
*the krucil ria..Neemo and Kevaa
and the peri best of friends(ecul,coki,wiwie,ikalady,arth',youngyoung,ncilpia,gekmas,ncis,b unda,isteeii,rondang,anne,ve,dode, and buuu arlin)
and everyday...cant live without my joyness in life--Yudddskiii & Praammmzkiii dan yang terbaru, Pashaa luv luv luv
*Ellen DeGeneres
*Diperlukan segera!!! WieWie n IkaLady

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also love books of Paulo Coelho. They changed my life totaly.
Do you know, that Paulo has blog:
and also newsletter:
it`s realy great.
i enjoy his work as you :)
cheers and best reagards!